Jubilee Year – Holy Year 2025
St. John Bosco is chosen to be one of the designated sites for the pilgrims of Hope to gain Plenary Indulgence. Let us make this year to be a year of Holiness that fills with Hope for our Church and for each of us.
Vocations Ministry
This is an effort to promote vocations from within our parish community. Families are asked to sign-up for a week or so at a time. During that time, your family will represent our parish praying for vocations. The Vocational Crucifix and The Bible will be presented to each family as their reminder of their commitment to pray for vocations. For more information, please contact the Rossi Family. 540-630-5515 or jamesdrossi4@gmail.com.
Due to the inclement weather prediction, There is no Holy Adoration this week (Feb 11-13).
When there is an inclement weather, our office hour and the activities around the campus will follow the Shenandoah County Schedule. The Mass will continue to offer as scheduled. Be safe everyone!
“Do you want the Lord to give you many graces? Visit Him often. Do you want Him to give you few graces? Visit Him rarely. Do you want the devil to attack you? Visit Jesus rarely in the Blessed Sacrament. Do you want him to flee from you? Visit Jesus often!” St. John Bosco
“We envy the shepherds who went to visit the grotto of Bethlehem to see Him, kissed His little hand, and offered Him their gifts. ‘Lucky shepherds!’ we exclaim. And yet there is no reason to envy them, for their fortune is ours, too. The same Jesus they visited in the grotto is in our tabernacle. The only difference is that the shepherds saw Him with the eyes of the body, whereas we see Him with the eyes of faith. Nothing will please Him more than our frequent visits to Him.” St. John Bosco
An Act of Spiritual Communion
Links to the Live Stream Mass via our website are listed above under “Live Stream Masses”. Masses are also live streamed on our Parish YouTube Page.
Bulletin Inserts Parish Calendar Diocese of Arlington Current Events
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