Walking With Purpose- A Catholic Women’s Bible Study
Walking with Purpose is a Catholic women’s Bible study that aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ by offering personal study and small group discussion that link our everyday challenges and struggles with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church. The program incorporates at-home Scripture study, and weekly small group discussion.
Hello Beloved Daughters of God,
Next Thursday, October 3rd, we will begin our 8-week study on the heroines of biblical history. Our first lesson is on Eve: Mother of the Living. We will meet at 9:30am in St. John the Evangelist Hall (SJEH). SJEH is the little white church right next to the playground which is to the left of the parking lot at St. John Bosco, 315 N Main Street in Woodstock.
I have attached the calendar syllabus for the 8-week session. You will notice that this is the first of three joint gatherings (i.e., women from both SJB and OLS). It is only at these times that we ask that you bring food to share. Further, at this time, we are unsure as to the coffee situation at the SJEH, so you should also plan to bring your drink (i.e., coffee, water, etc…).
As we begin to understand Eve, we will refer to Genesis chapters 1-3 and discuss the questions beginning on page 3. Prior to the session, please read Lesson One and answer the questions. The book does not allow much space for answers, so you may consider logging your answers in a separate notebook. You could also use the notebook to write down each of our prayer requests. As a reminder, your prayer request should be for you. 

Finally, we intend to hold all sessions in person, weather permitting. However, recognizing that some of you live out of town, we will be offering ZOOM capability. I will send the ZOOM link out early next week.
See you Thursday!
In the meantime, God’s peace and blessings be with you all.
For more information contact:
Nan Alcott at kata@shentel.net [St. John Bosco participants]
Louise DiBenedetto at Loudiben@shentel.net [Our Lady of the Shenandoah Mission participants]